After a lot of hard work by our front-end developer and our graphic designer, our site https://www.void.farm/ is now live!
The site is no longer in the testing phase, however the contracts are still being audited, so we have decided to disable the Universe (farms) and Vortex (pools) pages, to avoid any inconvenience, until the official contracts are deployed and linked to the web.
All data displayed on the web is now from our test contracts. All pools were tested correctly, so this will not be a delay to launch.
From now on, it only remains to wait for the audits.
Stay tuned. Cheers!
Official Links:
Site: https://www.void.farm/
Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/voidfarm_announcements
Telegram English Chat: https://t.me/voidfarm_en
Telegram Spanish Chat: https://t.me/voidfarm_es
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoidFarm
Medium: https://voidfarm.medium.com/
GitBook: https://voidfarm.gitbook.io/void-farm/
GitHub: https://github.com/voidfarm